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2.1.5 Short Message Management 

Some type product provide a function which can send a message to appointed person through public to person way, before using the function, it is need to setup short message, customize the short message according to employee. Then upload the short message into the device. The device fully supports two ways to upload the message. One is to directly upload by connected attendance device, anther way is to utilize the U flash disk to upload it, follow us take an example to illustrate how to upload it:

Enter    the    attendance    software    System    Option    under    Maintenance/Options menu, put the tick in front of SMS Content Manage in Function Option pagination, then SMS Content Manage take effect and may use it.

Short management “SMS”

1. Communication setting
On the left side of the window of the current connection machine list,  will display the current connection device name.
Note: All of the following about short message operation is directed at  the current connection machine.

2. Database Operations 
The database operations of short message of basic information maintenance mainly includes the Create message, Edit, Query, Delete message; Send messages, set associations and Query associations.
(1) Create messages
Click  “ 2 “  button  on  the  Database  operations  bar,  the
following window will popup:

Code: Enter the window is automatically generates a 5 digit code, the user may be required to amend.

 Click the “ 4 “ button to select type. Can choose Personal, Public,  Preset.

Public: For public short , as soon as the attendance machine start the short message will be saw, it will appear for ever;

Personal: For a personal short message, it will not show until the user verification is positive;

Set the validity period: After choose the item, a line will add on the interface, define the starting time and term of period of validity is available

Start: The user can set the short message display starting time, set up time please refer to Appendix 3.1 Set Date.

Duration: Click “6 “ button to set duration, the unit is minute; user also can input value in the box.

Content: Input content of the message.
For example, set as below:

Click “Cancel” button to cancel operation; click “OK” button to save, and then return the SMS management window. The message will be displayed on the window. Show as below:
8(2) Set associations
Note: 1
. only the type for personal of the short message can set  associative;

 Set associations’ purpose is  distribution  of  the  corresponding  view  permissions,  only  selected  association  employee  can  see  the  short  message.

As shown in Figure, click the SMS which type is personal:

B. Click “Set associations” button, the following window wills popup:

Select employee in the list of all users, use the button on the middle of  window to move employee. The operator can input search content in the  box after search item. Click “Query” button to see the result in he user  list on the left side.

The window button operation is described as follows:
11 Select all users, and then move them to List of selected user.
12Move the currently selected users to List of selected users on the right side of window.
13Select users on the List of selected users; click this button to move them to the List of all users on the left side of window. Cancel associations.
14 Move all users of List of selected users to List of all users on the left side of window.

C. Click “OK” button to save; click “Cancel” button to cancel operation.
For example select users as below:

D.  Click “OK”  button  to  return  SMS  management  window,  show  as  below:
16As shown in Figure. The window on the right association list shows the employee has been selected in steps C.

(3) Query associations
  A.  Click  “Query  associations”  button,  the  following  window  wills  popup:

As shown in the figure, the window is divided into two lists, the left list  is List of associated users, and this list shows the associated user branch  department,  registered  number,  name  and  number  of  associations.

Number  of  associations  is  associated  with  the  total  number  of  short  message the user associated. The right list is Associated SMS; display  the selected user association of short message.

Click to the user in List of associated users, and then the list on the  right will automatically display the user associated short message. If the  selected users to “Alex”, this time on the right of the window list will  show its associated short message, as shown below:

C. When there is too  much  for associated  users, users can input user  information into the search box, click “Query” button to see result. For  example input “Win”  into  the  search  box,  and  click “Query”  button,  show the result as below:

At the left of the window list will only show the user Win’s information. On the right of the window will show the user associated with the short message. Click “Reset” button, empty query results, and returning to the step A is shown in the window.

(4) Edit messages 
Click the short message on the list to select it, click “Edit messages” button, the following window wills popup:

User can modify for need, Type can’t be changed. The operation is same  with create messages.

(5) Query messages 

A.  Click  “Query  messages”  button,  the  window  will  automatically  pop­up Query bar, show as below:
21B. User can Fuzzy query of codes and contents exact query of numbers.  Click  “Query”  button  to  query;  click  “Reset”  button  to  clear  query  result, and then return the default window. For example input 2 into the  box, click “Query” button, the result show as below:
22As shown in the  figure, short message list shows the number 2 short  message;  List  of  associated  persons  shows  the  short  message  associated personnel information.

(6) Delete messages
A. Select the message you want to delete, click “Delete messages” button, the following window wills popup:23B. Click “OK” button, the following frame wills popup:
24Click “OK” button to delete the message in the software and attendance  machine; click “Cancel” button only delete the message in the software.

 C. Click “OK” button, after complete delete, popup the success frame,  show as below:
25As shown in Figure, the short message list does not display this message, means Delete successfully.
(7) Send messages 
A. Select the message need to send, click “Send messages” button, will show the send process on the window, and show as below:

B. After send success, popup the following frame:
28Click “OK” button to close this prompt box.

Notice: The machine must support the short message function, or can’t  use the function.

3. Operations of the selected device

Clear  all  associations
:  Click  this  button,  clear  all  associations  the  device has set.  Delete  the  selected  message:  Click  this  button,  delete  the  selected  message.  Clear all messages: Click this button, clear all messages in the device.


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2.1.4 U Flash Disk Management

In general, you can use RS232, Ethernet, RS485 and other way to download data When if it is difficult to communication or fail to communicate, you can use U flash disk to upload or download employee’s information and fingerprint, save these downloading data in the software.Choose the System Option from the Maintenance /Option menu; put
tick in USB Manage in “Function Option” pagination, so USB Disk Manage in the data menu become valid. Because the machine type is different, the data construction which has been downloading to U flash disk also is different, so before using the USB Disk Manage, firstly choose the machine type you use.


After choosing, press the [OK] to enter USB Disk Manage, maybe the  error occur while download data is downloading cause of the mistake  choice.
If multiple USB flash disks are available, enter the Select U Disk  interface.2

If  only  one  USB  flash  disk  is  available,  enter  the  USB  flash  disk  management interface directly.

Import user data to PC

Select  put  U  flash  disk  into  the  USB  slot  of  the  fingerprint  device,  choose  “Menu”­>”U  flash  disk  management“­>“Download  User  Data”,  Press  “OK”,  when  the  window  inform  that  system  copy  data  successfully, take out U flash disk, and then plug it into PC USB slot.  Start  software,  then  click  “Data”­>”USB  Disk  Manage”,  choose  “Import user data”. Following interface will appear.


The current user data file which have been in U flash disk will display in  “check rec Info” left column, after choose this file, click [Import user  data]  button,  system  will  import  data,  this  data  will  display  in  the  middle list to inform that download data successfully.
Delete data from U Disk: Erase all data from the U flash disk.
Remove List: Clear employee’s information in the current list.
Refresh: Refresh employee’s information in the current list
Import from local disk: Import user data from PC other disk.
Export User Data to U flash disk
Export  user  data  in  the  software  to  U  flash  disk  for  saving  it  or  transferring other Device, here you can select user you want to upload,  shown as following figure.


You  can  view  all  employee  information  in  the  left  employee  brown  column; click the button for moving data in the middle area to import  data Export User data area.
5Move all record in the left side Export User Data area.
6Move  the  employee that  has been  selected  to Export  User Data  area.
7 Remove all record in right side from Export User Data area.
8 Remove the employee that has been selected to Export User Data  area.

Import the record data to PC
Plug  U  flash  disk  into  Device,  select  Menu­>U  flash  Disk  Management­>Download record data, Press “OK”, and the window  will inform that download data successfully. Take out U flash disk from  Device,  then  plug  it  into  USB  slot  of  PC,  click  Data­>  USB  Disk  Manage and select Record data import pagination, shown as following  interface.


The information of user data which has been saved in U Flash disk will  display in the left side Require Export Data list. Choose this file, Click  [Import the rec from U Disk] button, system will import data, these  data  will  display  in  the  middle  list  to  inform  that  download  datasuccessfully.
Del Data From U Disk: Erase all data from the U flash disk
Clear List: Clear short message in the current list.
Refresh: Refresh Employee’s information in the current list.
Import from local: Import user data from other disk of PC.
Import Short Message

Plug  U  flash  disk  into  Device,  select  Menu­>  U  flash  Disk  Management­> Download SMS, Press “OK“, the window will inform  that  download  data  successfully.  Take  out  U  flash  disk  from  Device,  then plug it into USB slot of PC, click Data­> USB Disk Manage and  select Import SMS pagination, shown as following interface


Click  “Import  Short  SMS  from  U Disk“,  the  data  will be  imported  system, after import data successfully, this total of data will display in  the  following  prompt,  all  content  of  short  message  which  has  been  imported will display on the Add new rec to Local: Add the short message which has not existed in  the software into the software.  Overwrite the Local data: Use the imported data to overlay the data in  software.  Del Data From U Disk: Cancel the short message data in the U flash  disk.  Clear List: Clear the short message in current list.  Refresh: Refresh Short message in the current list.
Export short message

Export  short  message  in  the  software  to  U  flash  disk  or  upload  this  message to other Device, here, may select this short message you want  to upload, shown as following figure.

You can view all short message in the software from the left side column,  this short message still exist in the “SMS” after it is selected, when if  there are lot of short message to search for, you many utilize following  way to find it, such as short message serial No., content, Public short message, User short message.
Select To List: Choose the SMS that want to be uploaded, click [Select  To List] button, the record will be move to right side list.
Select all to List: Choose and remove all SMS in the system to right  side list.
Clear List: Erase all record in the right side list, it is unable to upload  the SMS or reselect the SMS to upload.
Clear  Selected  List:  Choose  this  record  which  doesn’t  need  to  be  uploaded, and then click this button to clear the record from this list, and  then this SMS will be deleted from the right side list.
Note: this function is valid only for the machine with U flash disk
Images taken into machine
U will  be  preserved  after  the  attendance  photos  downloaded  to  the  software (download only the attendance by the photo, that is, after the U  pass  in  a  folder  of  all  the  photos).  Attendance  blacklist  photos  “bad  folder of all the photos” can only be read after the U.

Import machine photographs: U session will be kept by the attendance  through the photos, download software to view.  U­Data:  delete  U  intraday  attendance  through  the  preservation  of  the  photos.

Note:  The  software  supports  attendance  cameras  can  use  this  feature  .

Import Images that is taken by machine Download the attendance checking photo contained by the U flash disk  to the software (only the attendance photo is available to download, that  is all the photos in a passed folder). Attendance blacklist photos “all the  photos in the bad folder” can only be read through the U flash disk.


Import Images: downloaded the attendance photos in the U flash disk  to software to view.
Delete Data from U disk: delete passed attendance checking photos in  the U flash disk.

Note:  The  software  supports  attendance  cameras  can  use  this  feature.

Export User’s Photo to the USB disk

Export the user’s photo in the software to the USB disk for storage or  upload  the  user’s photo  to  other  device.  Select the  user’s photo  to  be  uploaded, as shown in the figure below.


On the left of the employee information view column, in the User list  that  have  photo,  select  employees  by  department.  Click  the  move  buttons on the middle to transfer the user’s photo to be exported to the  “Export User’s Photo to the USB disk” area on the right.
5 transfer all the selected records from the left to the “Export User’s  Photo to the USB disk” area
6transfer the selected record from the left to the “Export User’s Photo  to the USB disk” area
7remove all the selected records from the “Export User’s Photo to the  USB disk” area
8remove  the  selected  record  from  the  “Export User’s Photo  to  the  USB disk” area

Import User’s photo

Import the user’s photo stored in the USB disk to the software.


The left column of the page displays the user’s information and photo  stored in the existing USB disk. Select the photo and click Import. The  system starts to import the photo.
Refresh: update the display of the USB disk drive and the user’s photo in  the list
Import: import the user’s photo in the USB disk to the computer
Del user’s Photo in the disk: delete user’s photo in the disk


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2.1.3 Real Time Monitor

The real time Monitor function makes management software to knownemployee attendance or door controlling status in time. May find and  deal with the exception status.
Run this function, It is need to open this software only, and attach the  fingerprint  machine  to  the  network,  if  there  are  many  fingerprint  machine you connect, just need to hookup all fingerprint machine, after  normal user verify successfully, its verification record will appear in the  displaying area:

24-04-2014 15-38-11

Note: some devices does not support this function


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2.1.2 Upload and Download Data

This is data exchanging windows for between the management software and Device. The exchanging windows utility is used to download or upload recorded data and the user’s information. The following procedures demonstrate how to use the windows utility to download and upload data. Before come to operation, connect the device first.

Download Attendance log from Device: Download all records which  have pass verification from the Device;

Download user info and FP from Device: Download user information,  the employee’s fingerprint can be download at same timeUpload user info and FP to Device; upload the user information and  fingerprint together at same time.

1.  Download  attendance  log  from  Device: It is  unable to  download  data  from  the  Device  unless  the  system  and  the  Device  are  at  the  connection condition. Directly click on “Device Machine” in the main  interface right side to download data record from the Device Or enter  management menu, chooses data to be download from the Device.

The system could prompt “Saving datas“, by now please wait for moment, after the completion of data downloaded, the prompts will appear in the right side of table below, informing you that the to download data was successfully, the communication between the Device and the software already has disconnected. The downloaded data should be added to the system, if data is too bigger, it is possible need to take much more time.

The downloading record can completely display in the circle record region like as above figure. At the same time, the new data record will be stored in the employee’s record data list in the system, you will be allowed to view it from the attendance record; the new user will bestored in the employee information table of the system, it is allowed to view through the employee’s maintenance. After downloading data, the system still cannot automatically clear data which is stored up in Device. under this option> Maintenance/Options> Downloads record> you choose item as that download the record and delete the record data on the Device together at same time, system can automatically remove data record from Device

2. Download the user information from the Device  Only when the system and the Device are at the connection condition,  the downloading data is available, directly click on “Machine” the main  interface  left  side,  the  column  Download  user  info  and  Fp,  access  Device management menu, choose download the personnel information  from the Device

View user on the Device: Click on “Browse Users in Device” button.  For new users, it will display in the “New User” column. Meanwhile, it  will suggest new users added to the system database.

Download: When the data has to directly download, click the button to  downloads

If there is a new user in “New User” the column, it will prompt whether  add the new user to the system database. If user on the Device were a  user which already existed in the system database, then these users could  display in “there is a user in the local database” column.

High­speed download: When the device was connected with Ethernet, and the data is rather much, you can use the high-speed download function
to increase the transmission speed (if you use the ZKFinger10.0 and facial recognition algorithms equipment, this function is unavailable).

Delete: Choose user who want to be canceled from the list area, also can  choose all users. Delete fingerprint, face, or password only, just need to  put  the  tick  in  front  of  the  corresponding  item,  then  click  “Delete”  button, if want to select many item record, may hold down “Ctrl” key  and click with mouse at same time.

3. Upload user info and FP to device 
When it was careless of user to cancel personnel information or many  Device are in use together at same time, for convenient use, reduce the  enrolling  work,  the  software  provide  to  upload  personnel information  from the database to machine.
The upload data operation is unable to execute till system and Device is  in  connection  status.  Directly  click  upload  personnel  information  to  device  in  the  “Related  Device  Operation”  column,  or  enter  Device  management menu, select upload personnel information to Device.

Select employee by department: E.g. there are mare many departments  in a company, if some employees of the department need to be uploaded,  you  can  click  this  department  with  mouse,  the  all  employee  in  this  department will display in the list. Shown as following figure
1)  Select  the  employees  which  need  to  upload  on  the  employee  list.  Click “Select all” button, select all employees; select “Invert All” button  unselect all employees.  Click  “4  “  button  on  the  employee  list’s  column  name;  can  screen  information which display on the employee list. For example, click “ 4 “ button on the ID Column, the following list wills popup:


A. Click the id on the list to select, and then only display the selected  employee’s information on the employee list.
B.  Click  “All”  to  select  all  employees,  and  then  display  all  employees’ information on the employee list.
C. Click “Custom”, the following window will popup:

Click “ 4 “ button under ID, select search field on the drop­down list,  and then input value in the box. Click single select box “ 7 “, chose the  custom condition as And  or OR. After setting,  click “OK” button to  save, and then return Upload window, the window in the employee list  will display a custom filter is set in the condition corresponding to the  user information.
2) Select machine on the Device list on the right of window.  User  info/Fingerprint/Face/Photos:  Select  the  information  need  to  upload.

Upload in High Speed: When if these machine hookup by Ethernet, and  have large quantity of data to upload (if you use the ZKFinger10.0 and facial recognition algorithms equipment, this function is unavailable).

Delete: Choose this user which want to be canceled, and then choose  “Cancel” button.

Note: Please check the Finer Version (9.0 or 10.0), Must ensure that the  upload  fingerprint  type  same  with  the  device  fingerprint  version,
otherwise unable to successfully uploaded employee information.

3). After complete setting, click “Upload” button to start. It will display  the upload process at the button of the window, and show the operation  records in the list. Show as below:


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1.4 Work Flow of the Software 

1. Downloads user’s fingerprint or the card which have been enrolled in  the Device to software “Connect Device­Download user info and Fp”
2. Upload employee’s name and other materials which have been modify  in Device in the Employee maintained “Connect Device –Upload user  info and Fp”
3. Assign Employee to department “enter Department management”
4. Setup Shift Schedule and Timetable “enter Maintenance Timetable”
5. Setup Shift Schedule “enter Management Shift Schedules”
6. Assign the employee Schedule “enter Employee Schedule”
7.  Download  attendance  data  to  software  in  “Connect  Device  –Download Attendance Logs”
8. Examine Attendance report form “enter Attendance report”


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2.1.1 Device Management 

Before downloading or uploading data from the Device with software,  ensure that the communication between Device and PC has established.  So connect the device to the system firstly, input the related parameter,  after  create  connection  successful,  uploading  or  downloading  data  is  available.
Device Maintenance 
Click  “Device  Maintenance”  in  the  main  interface  or  click  “Device  Maintained” in My Device List, in here you are able to complete to add,  cancel, and modify Device.


There  are  two  default communication  modes  provided  in  the  system,  one  is  RS232/RS485,  another  is  Ethernet.  Some  specify  machine  is  designed with USB communication mode (such as H2), for more detail,  please refer to corresponding “User Manual”, the using method please  view the explanation below:
–  Add:  User  may  newly  add  device,  input  the  corresponding  connection  parameter  of  Device,  save  it,  the  device  name  will  display on the left side list.
–  Device  name:  named  the  device,  which  machine  has  been  connected with system.
–  Communication  mode:  which  way  is  used  in  communication  between the device and computer.
–  Baud rate: the baud rate is same with it in the machine, Here.
–  IP address: device IP address
–  Communication password: if there is the communication password  to  be  set  in  the  machine  option,  you  must  fill  the  same  onepassword , otherwise, not need to fill in
-Serial number: Device identity number.
-Port:  The  port  is  used  by  computer.  The  RS232/RS485  mode  is  “com” port; the default port number of Ethernet is 4370.
–  Deletion: If the Device will not be in use any more, single­click the  device  of  your  choice  in  the  left  side  list,  click  on  “Cancel”  to  delete this Device from the system.
– Save: If after selecting and modifying connection parameter of the  Device of your choice, click “Save” to save the information.
Note: Some machine does not support the Ethernet communication.  It is unable to use the Ethernet mode to connect the machine
Serial number: If the communication mode is the RS232, please input a  random number which between 1 ~ 100, 133 ~ 255 in blank enough. If  the RS485 mode is used, inputs the machine address.
Connection Device: the Device which reside in the system will display  in the ” My Device list”, single­click the Device to choose it, then click  “Connect  Device”  button,  or  right­click  the  Device  that  want  to  be  connected, select the attached Device from following menu appeared.

When the system connect with Device, the prompt"connecting, please  wait  will  appear  on  below  right side  status  column,  weather  the  link  success or not will inform you.
If fail to connect, please check
1)  Whether  the  Device  connecting  parameters  equipped  with  communication parameters of the menu option  2)whether the communication line linking well
4. Device Management 
Only when the system and the Device are at the connection condition,  the downloading data is available, directly click “AC Manage” in the  column “Machine” on the main interface left side, or choose the “AC  Manage”, access Device management menu, choose machine from the  left list.
Connect Machine of Fingerprint and Face
a. this page describes the fingerprint machine information, though this  page  you  can  view  the  information  about  this  product  type,  product  module,  serial  number,  firmware  etc.  click  “Read  Options”,  you  can  know detail about the device.


Note: it is unable to modify this information, view these only
 b.  In  odder  to  guarantee  machine  reliability  run  for  long  time,  some  machines support power management function, such as hibernate, Power  Off, etc. Click Power pagination.  Click “Read Options”, the machine idle setting will appear on the main  interface:


c.  Click  Advanced  Function  pagination,  view  advanced  function  of  Device:


Restart and shutdown: remote restarting and shutdown of the device.  Initial  Device:  System  will  clear  all  data  in  the  device,  include  fingerprint and record.
Notice: if you clear up all data, the data will be damage and unable  to be restored. To help avoid possible lost, download all data and  keep in system before performance this operation
Clear admin privilege: if the operator forget the name and password in  the device, and fail to enter the option menu, you can use this order to  eliminate old administrator, then re­register the administrator.
Sync  time:  Synchronize  Device  time  to  PC;  keep  that  the  Device  represent time is same as PC.
Capture  Fingerprint  Image:  Capture  the  fingerprint  image  which  present by you currently press finger on the machine sensor face.  Note: this function some machine don’t support this function
Download Management Record: download management record from  fingerprint machine to system.
d. Click Comm Set pagination, view the device communication setting,  click “Read Options” to lookup all communication setting.


Connecting the access control device: 
When  the  system  connects  the  access  control  device,  click  Maintenance/setup on the menu bar of the main page. The System Setup page  appears,  as  shown  in  the  figure  below.  Click  Function Configuration and tick off the Access control item to enable the access  control function.


Re­enter the Device Manage page and the Biometric, Access Control,  Mifare  and  Weigand  tabs  are  added  in  the  page.  The  following  respectively introduces the functions and usage of these tab pages


Biometric tab page: 


The Biometric tab page  displays the verification  mode, 1:N threshold  and 1:1 threshold values of the device.
Access Control tab page:


The Access Control tab page displays the Lock Control Delay value of  the device.
Mifare tab page: 


The  Mifare  tab  page  displays  the  settings  of  the  Mifare  card  in  the  device, including FP (fingerprint) count, sector count for FP and card  key.
Wiegand tab page:


The  Wiegand  tab  page  displays  the  Wiegand  input  setup  and  output  setup  of  the  device,  including  the  custom  format,  pulse  width,  pulse  interval, Bits count, and input type of the input setup and the custom  format, pulse width, pulse interval, failed ID, site code and output type  of the output setup.


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 1.3.1Uninstall Program 

 Uninstall the Software 
If  you  do  not  need  this  software  anymore,  you  can  uninstall  it  from  computer as below:  Close the attendance management program.  Run  “Add/Delete  program”  in  control  panel,  choose  attendance  management system and uninstall it.  Alternatively,  choose  Start  >  Program  >  Standard  version  of  attendance  management  system  >  Uninstall  the  attendance
management software  For clear all the software, you need to enter directory to delete the folder  where the software installed.


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1.1Before Installation

Please install online
fingerprint sensor driver if you want to enroll
fingerprint through the Attendance Management software.
1.If the 4000 or previous version driver
(Biokey200/URU4000/URU40000B) have been installed before, you
must uninstall it first, the operation steps as below:
(1) Run “Add/Delete program” in control panel, uninstall fingerprint
sensor driver;
(2) Run “Regedit.exe” in “Run” on the Starting menu, and delete the key
values of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\DigitalPersona, if the
value exists;
(3) Delete all “DP*.dll” under the directory of windows\system32
“windows\system in win98 “;
(4) Delete the folder “biokey200″ under the directory of Program
files\ZKTime5.0, if the folder exists.
Restart your computer after uninstall, then install online
sensor driver.
2. If fingerprint sensor driver wasn’t installed before, install the driver
JNote:1. Software environment:Windows XP,Windows 2000,
Windows 2003, Windows Vista 32 bits, Windows Vista 64 bits (USB
ZKTime5.0 Attendance Management Software User Manual
Communication does not support), Windows 7 32 bits, Windows 7 64
2. Software support database: Access, SQLServer.


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1.2 Install Program 

You had better turn off all the other programs before installing, to avoid  collision during the installing process.
Note:  the  following  demonstration  software  version  may  be  not  identical  with  your  CD  contents,  please  follow  the  CD  installing  process.
1. Insert the CD into your CD­ROM, the installation program will run  automatically;
2. The software supports Simplified Chinese,  Traditional Chinese and  English, select the language you want to install, and click “Next”;


Tips: click “Cancel” button to abort installation. 
3. The next step is “End user software license agreement” dialog, please
read carefully. Click on “I Agree” enter the next installing process;


4. In this interface you can select the installing directory of the software,  Click “Next”, enter the next step;


5. In this step you can choose the component which you want to install,  such as fingerprint sensor driver, attendance management program and  user  manual.  Click  on” 4“if  you  need  it  (recommend  to  select  all  components except it has been installed), then click on “Next”, go to  the next page;


6. In this interface, you can change the name and decide where to place  the program’s shortcuts. Click “Next”, turn to the next step;


7. Click “Next” button, turn to the next step:


8. Click “Install” the software start to install and copy the files to the  hard disk until the fingerprint sensor driver start to install. If you didn’tselect to install it at step 5, the process will turn to step 10 and end the  installation.


9.  This  interface  will  inquire you  to  select components  to  install,  we  recommend  selecting  them  all,  then  clicking  on  “Next”,  entering  the  next step;


10.  The  fingerprint sensor  driver  start installing,  when  the  process is  completed, the dialog box will inquire you to restart the computer now  or later. The driver will work when the computer restarted;


11.  Click” Finish” to complete the installation.


The shortcuts will appear on the windows, click this icon12
on the desktop to enter software


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