All posts by Chuchai Rattaviset


Setting attendance report relevant information.

Click Setting-Time Attendance to open Time Attendance Setting window.
Step 1.Time attendance base on Work Time or Duty Function Key, which could select here.
Work Time [ First and Last Records ]: The first record and last record will be included in
the attendance report. Depend On [ Duty Function Key ]: depend on access controller LED. For example: “Duty: 0,Duty: F; OVT: 0, OVT: F” messages.
Step 2. Maximum User On System: the number of users.
Step 3. Duty Start Time [ Day Shift ]: the time for day shift.
Step 4. Update time clock to controller at program start: Synchronize the time of the computer and the controller.
Step 5. Auto update Controller Clock: Two time sets to synchronize the time of the computer and the controller automatically.
Step 6. Backup Message File: indicating the second folder path to save backup message file.
Step 7. Execute another Program while Startup: indicating the executed program while
701Server has been executed. We normally execute 701Client as another program.
Step 8. Press Yes button to save all settings.

5-28-2014 10-31-24 AM


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Setting for Client computer

A server computer is a host that is running with controller which share their resources with client computer. Here we will go through the settings for client computer.

Step 1. Click right button of the mouse on two folder: C:\program files\701Server and C:\program files\701Client and select “Sharing and Security…” to open 701Server Properties window and 701Client Properties window.
Step 2.Select “Share this folder on the network”.
Step 3. Select “Allow network users to change my files”.

5-28-2014 10-29-59 AM5-28-2014 10-30-28 AM

Step 4. Login to 701Server program on the Client computer, Click5-28-2014 10-30-43 AM to open Communication
Port Setting.
Step 5. Choose Via Server Computer and click Server Computer Path button
Step 6. Choose server PC path.
Step 7. Don’t select Polling Message From Controller.

5-28-2014 10-31-02 AM


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881EF/881EV Parameter

Click 5-28-2014 10-26-32 AMto open 881EFV/829EV5 Parameter setting

Step 1. Setting AR-881EFV node ID is 001.
Step 2. Press “Read From Controller” to receive access controller data.
Step 3. Modify the access controller node ID.
Step 4. Door Relay: lock relay time is the amount of time that the lock will be operated.(range 001~600)
Step 5. Relay [WG]: lock relay time is the amount of time that the lock will be operated on WG.
Step 6. Open too: Lock Relay Time + Door Open Time.
Step 7. too: Lock Relay Time + Door Open Time operated on WG.
Step 8. Alarm Time: alarm relay time alarm continuous transmitter time.(range 001~255)
Step 9. Arming: the time between arming mode preapred and arming mode actived,it is buffer time.
Step 10.Alarm Delay: abnormality occurs and alarm delay time expires, the alarm will be issued.
Step 11.Edit Pwd: the master code is used to access all the programming features (6-igits).
Step 12.Arming Pwd:if the controller is in arming mode , they can always detect whether there are anomalies and alerts. There are two ways to set arming mode: 1. Enter program mode 2. Input arming PWD.Master Controller of Network: if there are many networking access controllers, you must set one controller as Master Node.
Step 13. Door Nr. : The number corresponds to location to help user identify access record and area.
Step 14.Door: the number corresponds to location to help user identify access record and area.
Step 15.Enable Force Alarm :The alarm will be activated when someone tries to open the
door abnormally.
Step 16.Enable Antipassback: when two readers are used to control Entrance/Exit, anti-pass back may be set.
Step 17.Enable Push to Exit: through RTE to open the door.
Step 18.Enable Auto Relock: When door colesd,lock will auto-lock.
Step 19.Close Stop Alarm: The activated alarm will be stopped when the door is closed.
Step 20. Share Door Relay: Only use one door.
Step 21.Enable Free Zone(63): 701Clien zone63 for auto open time (refer to 5-28-2014 10-26-50 AM).
Step 22.Free Zone Open lmm. : Enable Free Zone to open door.
Step 23.Ena. Disarm Zone(62): The Disarm Zone’s activated alarm will be stopped.
Step 24.Is Duty Reader: integration of the access record of access controller’s memory
for the attendance report.
Step 25.Skip PIN Check: AR-881E does not have keyboard ,when you log in can skip enter PIN code.
Step 26.Door open for any Tag: The same frequency, any card can open the door.
Step 27.Reset Antipass (TZ61): zone 61 be used in reset when the user violations and
emergencies, reset function of anti-pass back.
Step 28.Alarming if Expiried: When the user-card is overdue,alarming will working.
Step 29.WG Output Mode: Setting AR-881E become output mode to connect other controller.
Step 30.Auto Open Zone: setting relay output for open the door, specify the weekday. General be used in office and auto managemet.
Step 31.Time Schedule Alarm: there is a time-scheduled output . Setting relay output, specify the weekday, time. General be used in office and auto management.
Step 32.RS-485 Port: select external equipment.
Step 33.Biometric Module Type: select external equipment.
Step 34.Write Fingerprint / Vein: download fingerprint data to access controller (select user adderss to be download).
Step 35.Delete Fingerprint / Vein: delete AR-821EF/V’s fingerprint or finger vein data (select user adderss to be deleted).
Step 36.Read Fingerprint / Vein from controller: saving fingerprint or finger vein data from access controller to the computer (select user adderss to be uploaded).
Step 37.Write: Write all settings to access controller.5-28-2014 10-27-42 AM


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821E/829E Parameter

8 series access controller is an advanced access controller , most of the parameters need to set via 701Server.

Click 5-28-2014 10-12-18 AMto open 821E/829E Parameter setting window.

Step 1. AR-829E is with LCD panel access controller, enter program mode and input 31 (quick instructions) to set node ID. Setting AR-829E node ID is 001.
Step 2. Press “Read From Controller” to receive access controller data.
Step 3. Modify the access controller node ID.
Step 4. Lock relay time: lock relay time is the amount of time that the lock will be operated.
Step 5. Alarm Relay Time: alarm relay time alarm continuous transmitter time.
Step 6. Lock Relay Time + Door Open Time.
Step 7. Arming Delay Time: the time between arming mode preapred and arming mode actived, it is buffer time.
Step 8. Alarm Delay Time: abnormality occurs and alarm delay time expires, the alarm will be issued. The main objective is to reduce false triggering.
Step 9. Master Code: the master code is used to access all the programming features (6-digits).
Step 10.Arming PWD:if the controller is in arming mode , they can always detect whether there are anomalies and alerts. There are two ways to set arming mode: 1. Enter program mode 2. Input arming PWD.
Step 11.Door Number: the number corresponds to location to help user identify access record and area.
Step 12.Master Controller of Network: if there are many networking access controllers, you must set one controller as Master Node.
Step 13. English Menu: Change to English interface, this feature could be also set in the controller.
Step 14.Force Open Alarm Output :The alarm will be activated when someone tries to open the door abnormally.
Step 15.Request To Exit: through RTE to open the door
Step 16.Auto Re-lock: If the door close then the door lock will relock, using door contact to detect  the status of door.
Step 17.Auto Open (Zone: 63): 701Clien zone63 for auto open time (refer to5-28-2014 10-21-40 AM ).
Step 18.Auto Enable Arming Mode (Zone: 62): 701Clien zone62 for auto arming (refer to 5-28-2014 10-21-40 AM).
Step 19.Check Fingerprint: if access controller is AR-821EV, it has a fingerprint recognition
Step 20. Time Attendance Reader: integration of the access record of access controller’s memory for the attendance report.
Step 21.Auto Duty Functions: access controller LED will display “Duty: 0, Duty: F; OVT: 0, OVT: F” message.
Step 22.Close Door Stop Alarm: The activated alarm will be stopped when the door is closed.
Step 23.Enable Anti-Pass Back: when two readers are used to control Entrance/Exit,anti-pass back may be set.
Step 24.WG Port Use Alarm Relay: external WG reader to control dual doors. Must Use alarm output as Wiegand reader output.
Step 25. Max Error Times: determine the allowable number of input errors, if the number of input errors exceeds this max error times, keyboard panel will be locked (if max erro time is 0, this function will be disabled).
Step 26.Msg. Overflow: The access controller will save the data temporary during offline. There will be alarmed if the capacity of data exceeds Msg. Overflow and remind administrator to save the data into the computer.
Step 27.Duress Code: if you meet abnormal person to threaten open the door, you can input duress code and send message to control center.
Step 28.Daily Time Schedule: there is a time-scheduled output of AR-716E for using, setting relay output, specify the weekday, time. General be used in office and auto management.
Step 29.On Alarm for Expiry: if The alarm will be activated if someone presents invalid card to the reader.
Step 30.Reset Anti-pass (Zone: 61): zone 61 be used in reset when the user violations and emergencies, reset function of anti-pass back.
Step 31.DI Loop 2/3 Show Message: if AR-829E DI is received signal can according to the demand this signal displayed on the computer screen.
Step 32.Idle Screen: enter message in idle screen, this message will be displayed on access controller LCD panel.
Step 33.Open Door via P.I.N. Selection: select access mode. Serial Num + PIN: input user address and private PIN and press # PIN Only: Input private PIN directly (there are no control mode inAR-829E).
Step 34.External Reader Format: select external reader format.
Step 35.TP1 Serial Port Format: select external equipment.
Step 36.Download: download fingerprint data to access controller (select user adderss to be download).
Step 37.Delete: delete AR-821EF/V’s fingerprint or finger vein data (select user adderss to be deleted).
Step 38.Upload from Device to File: saving fingerprint or finger vein data from access controller to the computer (select user adderss to be uploaded).
Step 39.Write To Controller: Write all settings to access controller.

5-28-2014 10-23-44 AM

Select user adderss to upload and download fingerprint or finger vein data.

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5-28-2014 10-09-02 AM Only when AR-716E (Multi-Door Networking Controller) connected with PC then could entry 701parameters.

Read From Controller
There are two ways to open the 701E Parameter window: Setting – Controller Parameters and 5-28-2014 10-09-20 AM .
5-28-2014 10-09-31 AMStep 1.There is filled in AR-716E node ID to get in 716E parameter for others setting.

701E Parameters
5-28-2014 10-09-56 AMStep 2. 
There are two channels of AR-716E, each channel could connected with 8 sets of                         readers. AR-721H is the first access controller and node ID is 001, AR-727H is the                          second access controller and node ID is 002.
Step 3. If there are many networking access controllers, important access controller can be                  set for master reader of network.
Step 4. Select OnK3 is used in users violation of anti-pass back or OnK4 is used in alarm                        output.
Step 5. Enable auto open time zone, this function be set in zone 63 .
Step 6. Enable auto enter arming mode, this function be set in zone 62 .
Step 7. DI1 will be responsible for receiving the emergency message and open all the                             doors.
Step 8. Reset is used when the user violations and emergencies, reset function of anti-                          pass back, this function be set in zone 61 .
Step 9. K2 will be responsible for receiving the disconnected message message and                                  sending messages to administrator.
Step 10. Press Write button to save all settings.

Door Number
The number corresponds to location to help user identify access record and area. Node ID corresponds to access controller to help PC identify access controller and data.
5-28-2014 10-10-16 AMStep 1. Select Door Number tag and enter of the controller corresponding the door                                  number, reader 1’s door number is 1, reader 2’s door number is 2.
Step 2. Press Write button to save all settings.

There are two WG channels of AR-716E, each channel could connected with 1 WG access reader.
The first WG reader node ID is 17, the second WG reader node ID is 18. Here you can set the following functions:
1. Anti-pass back
2. DI3 and DI4 has sensor function.

Duress Code
If you meet abnormal person to threaten open the door, for assistance you can input duress code and send message to control center.
5-28-2014 10-10-33 AMStep 1. Enter up to 4 sets duress code, for example:1111, 2222, 3333, 4444.
Step 2. Press Write button to save all settings.

Setting duress code in the 701E Parameter is the main duress code.
※ Force On/Off Code be used to control relay.

Reader Relay and 716E Relay
There are 4 relay of AR-716E, K1 to K4, which action time could be set here. The extensive relay board, EXK1 to EX-K8, which action time also could be set.
5-28-2014 10-11-12 AMStep 1. Select the node ID and name of relay. Here, we will synchronize the node 001 with                      K-1 and synchronize the node 002 with K-2.
Step 2. Press Write button to save all settings.

Time-Scheduled Output
There is a time-scheduled output of AR-716E for using, setting relay output, specify the weekday, time. General be used in office and auto managemet.
5-28-2014 10-11-28 AMStep 1. Select Monday for time-scheduled.
Step 2. Determine to display how much data, once can be displayed 6 document data.
Step 3. Determine alarm time, for example: 04:50am and 09:40am.
Step 4. Select the alarm duration: 10 sec.
Step 5. Select relay for alarm output.
Step 6. Press Write button to save all settings.

DI Input and Relay Output Connection
Using the AR-716E’s DI control relay and request to exit (RTE).
5-28-2014 10-11-46 AMStep 1. Selection the number of DI and the corresponding access controller. For example:                    DI1 corresponding node ID is node ID 1 (AR-721H), DI2 corresponding node ID is                        node ID 2 (AR-727H).
Step 2. Selection the number of DI and the corresponding relay. For example: DI1                                      corresponding relay is K1, DI2 corresponding relay is K2.
Step 3. Input lock relay time: K1 and K2 lock relay time are 10 seconds.
Step 4. Press Write button to save all settings.

If you do not perform Step 2, lock relay time will be by the same as lock relay time on access controller.

Parking Space
This application for parking lots, which could monitor the parking space status and message output to designate devices.

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Networking Setting

Check the connection status of the device when related equipment is wiring complete. First, make sure the COM Port as following – My Computer-Properties-Hardware-Device Manager-Ports.
5-28-2014 10-03-58 AM From the above chart shows that port is COM3.

Serial Port
There are two ways to open the Communication Port setting window: 5-28-2014 10-04-42 AM and 5-28-2014 10-04-55 AM
5-28-2014 10-05-09 AMStep 1. By the computer Detection results to select the port: COM3 (refer to My Computer-Properties- Hardware-Device Manager-Ports).
Step 2. Selection the options: Polling Message From Controller.
Step 3. Polling Interval: 200ms, the PC will inquiry messages from controller every 200ms.

LAN Configuraton
There are two ways to open the Node Number for Polling window:5-28-2014 10-05-25 AM and 5-28-2014 10-05-37 AM
5-28-2014 10-06-59 AMStep 4.Select node ID and access controller
Step 5.Select LAN BASE.
Step 6.Press YES

In Node Number for Polling window only for AR-829E and AR-716E be set, because AR-727H and AR-721H which connected under Multi-Door Networking Controller (AR-716E), must enter 5-28-2014 10-07-13 AMto set parameters.
※ Node Range: total is 256 groups, each group can display 7 node ID data

Controller On/Off Line
Open Controller On/Off Line window to check the device connection status: 5-28-2014 10-07-27 AM
5-28-2014 10-08-24 AMStep 7. Click 5-28-2014 10-07-44 AM to check the access controller item No and amount of access controller. If the icon front of item No is 5-28-2014 10-07-56 AM  that mean controller successfully connected to PC and find the 701Server icon 5-28-2014 10-08-08 AM  right at the bottom of taskbar and flashing.

5-28-2014 10-07-56 AM 
Well: controller successfully connected to PC.
5-28-2014 10-08-43 AM Not connected well: it recommended to check the followings and must see 5-28-2014 10-07-56 AM to do the further settings.
1.Check if the line is broken
2.Check if the number of settings are correct.

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Node ID

Node ID: Access controller with a different code to help computer identify (node ID range: 001~254). AR-716E node ID: 002, AR-721H node ID: 001, AR-727H node ID: 002, AR-829E node ID: 001.

Setting AR-716E Node ID
5-28-2014 10-00-28 AM

Setting AR-721H Node ID (AR-721H connect under the Multi-Door Networking Controller)
5-28-2014 10-00-59 AM
Input master code (default: *123456#) to enter program mode and input 00*001# to set AR-721H node ID, AR-721H connect under the Multi-Door Networking Controller (AR-716E), therefore, AR-721H Node ID under the control of Multi-Door Networking Controller (AR-716E).
● The node ID arrangement of readers which connected under Multi-Door Networking Controller (AR- 716E) only could be 1-16.
● Through software (701Server or VisualProx) settings door number.

Setting AR-727H Node ID (AR-727H connect under the Multi-Door Networking Controller)
5-28-2014 10-03-10 AM ● 

Setting AR-829E Node ID
5-28-2014 10-03-37 AM● 
Access controller connect with PC directly that node ID range is 001~254.
● Through software (701Server or VisualProx) settings door number.

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Permission To Operate the Software

Operator access level compared with permission to operate the software in order to determine the user’s permission to operate the software.
5-28-2014 9-59-22 AM Help→Access Level and then Access Level window will come out. Items can be modified as follows:
5-28-2014 9-59-40 AM1. LAN Chart: 00~63. This level is the permission to view the connectivity, 63 is the highest authority.
2. Setting: 00~63. This level is the permission to modify data, 63 is the highest authority.
3. Access Level: 00~63. This level is the permission to modify software permissions, 63 is the highest authority.

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Basic Setting

27-5-2557 10-49-15The first time to login 701Client, Login Name and password both are supervisor.
Login Name: supervisor
Password: supervisor To improve security, change your password and access level immediately after login.

27-5-2557 10-56-4227-5-2557 10-56-27

Help -Password and then Modify User Access Password window will come out. Items can be modified as follows: 1. User ID: 00-99 for adding the amount of user. 2. User Level: 0-63 access level for editing. 3. Login Name: login name can have up to a total of 18 English words or 9 Chinese characters. 4. Password: password can have up to a total of 18 English words or 9 Chinese characters. 5. Option at right of window can be changed based on demand.

Temporarily leave the 701Client work area ,701Client will pop-up re-login window ,you can based on the following settings avoid re-login window appears and to improve efficiency:  Next time you login 701Client use nologin to avoid re-login window appears.

27-5-2557 11-01-10

Help Password and then Modify User Access Password window will come out. Items can be modified as follows:
1. User ID: 00
2. User Level: 63
3. Login Name: NoLogin
4. Password: NoLogin
5. Option at right of window can be changed based on demand.

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